Monday, September 14, 2009


1. A diagnostyic test for diabetes demands the checking of blood sugar level with the empty stomach and one hr after taking meal. Why?
2. Blood sugar level of a normal person rises after taking a meal-.
i)Why does this happen?
ii) Which hormone regulates this increased level of blood sugar?
iii)Name the source gland of this hormone.
3. Draw a neat diagram of Human brain& label the following parts:
i) Bony box
ii) Area controlling salivation and blood pressure
iii) Part controlling sensory information
iv) Endocrine gland regulating growth and development of the body
.4. During an emergency condition ,capacity of an individual increases to work for hrs..
i) Which hormone is responsible for it
ii) name the source gland of this hormone.
5. Name the chamber of Human heart that:
i) pumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs.
ii)Has thickest muscular walls
6. Even the smell of your favourite dish starts watering of your mouth even though you are concentrating in your studies.
i)What makes this watering of mouth. Which part of the nervous System is responsible forit?
ii) Draw the flow chart of it.
7. A man with blood grp 'A' marries awoman with blood grp 'O'.Their son has blood grp'o' and daughter has blood grp 'A'
i) What is the probable genotype of man and woman.
ii) Specify the expression of the genotype of son and daughter.
8. Where is the protein digesting enzyme 'pepsin' is released and how is it not able to act on stomach's wall.
9. What protects us from the germs that mange to enter in our body along with food.
10. Food always move down even if a person is lying down on the floor. How does it happen?
11. Food in plants is transported from leaves to various parts;
i) In which form food is translocated?
ii) How transport of food is different from transport of water & minerals?
iii) How is osmotic pressure raised in phloem and how does it affect the process of translocation?12. With the help of flow chart explain the mechanism of transport of food from the place of production to the site of storage.
13. Name the gland that helps in the digestion of food.
14. List four special anatomical/structural features of a leaf that makes it suitable photosynthesic organ
15. Rate of breathing in aquatic organisms is faster than terestrrial organisms. Give reason.

1.Name the part of brain in which hypothalamus is located?
2.Which part of brain is responsible for precision of voluntary action?
3. Arrange the following in sequence on the basis of their location from mid brain?spinal cord, pons, &medulla
4. What is synapse?
5. Ram rides a bicycle maintaining posture & body equilibrium. Identify the parts of brain which controls this activity?
6. What is the impact of nervous electrical impuse on muscle protein?
7. Which part of the brain is concerned with memory & thinking?
8. Why is salivation considered to be an involuntary action?
9.How is brain protected from shocks & injuries?
10. Name the most important organ related to control & coordination our activites?
11. Gustatory & olfactory receptors related to which sensation?
12. Define reflex action?13. Name the neuron that links motor & sensory neuron?
14. Write the components of peripheral nervous system?
15. Name the place of origin of cranial &spinal nervous?
16. Which two organs receive the information from all body parts and integrate it?
17.Which nutrient of food is associated with muscular action?
18. What could be the possible disadvantage if reflex action were controlled by the brain?
19. Which part of the brain you associate with smell of delicious food?
20. Enlist the function of medulla?
21. How is spinal cord related to the efficiency of reflex arc?
22. What are the two limitation of electrical impulse?
1. Draw a well labeled diagram of human brain?
2. Draw a well labeled diagram of neuro muscular junction?
3. Elucidate the nerve impulse mechanism?
4.Define a reflex arc. Draw its labeled diagram?
5. Write major function of three parts of brain?
6. Briefly describe the three part of neuron?
7.Distinguish b/w sensory, motor and mixed nerve?
8. Trace the event occurring in reflex action. What is its importance?
9. Draw a labeled diagram of brain?
10. Write the function of any one part of brain?
11. Define synapse?12. What is function of medulla oblongata?
13. Name the largest & second largest part of brain?
14. Which organ constitutes the C.N.S?
15. What is the function of cerebrospinal fluid & where is it found?
16. Which part of brain is concerned memory will and power?
17. Distinguish b/w cranial and spinal nerve?
18. What is the major division of fore brain?
19. List important function of nervous system?
20. Give an account of structure of hind brain in man?
21. Name the part of brain which is center of perception of visual images?
22. Name the receptor of light, smell and taste in animals?
23. State and elaborate the two limitation / constraints in transmission of electrical impulses of nerves?
24. What are the three major component of human brain?